Dating with Dogs in a City

Living in Tampa and dating with dogs can be a difficult thing to do.  It can be hard to find that special someone who cares just as much about your furry companion as you do.  To get around it, here are some unique places and ideas where you can meet others just as obsessed with pups as you are.

  • Volunteering at the Humane Society
  • Your local pet store or dog training classes
  • At a pet-friendly 5k walk or run
  • Relaxing at a nearby beach or park

Dating with Dogs in Tampa

Dating with dogs in Tampa shouldn’t drive you insane.  Wherever you go or whatever you do, just remember the most important thing of all— have fun!  Who knows when you’ll bump into your future soulmate.  If you’re struggling with something to talk about, consider your canine’s health; the food they eat, the best treats, or even food supplements for dogs. US Antler’s dog food supplements keep your pooch in perfect shape, and make a great conversation topic.  It’s the best all natural supplement you can buy.  Visit their site and try it today!

Keep Your Pup Healthy with Deer Antler Supplements

As dog owners, we know that you can sometimes care more about Fido’s health than your own. That is because your pup fully depends on you to know what they need, whether Fluffy has joint pain or she just isn’t feeling like herself lately.

So, instead of stocking up on expensive (and sometimes dangerous) prescriptions, head over to US Antler to check out their all-natural deer and elk antler supplements. These nutritional additives offer benefits such as:

  • Weight management
  • Joint health
  • Immune system support
  • Healthy fur, skin, and nails
  • Increased energy
  • Bone strength
  • And overall health and wellness support

Even if your pup seems healthy, they still can benefit from elk antler supplements. Just like you take a daily vitamin to stay healthy, US Antler supplements will do the same thing for your dog. They can even help circumvent breed-specific diseases and conditions that can plague your pup throughout their entire life.

For more information about US Antler’s products, check out their website!

Pay Attention to How Your Date Treats Their Dogs!

We all know that dating dog lovers comes with plenty of benefits. Not only are you spending time with someone who shares your love of pups, but you get to see your partner caring for an animal that fully depends on them. People have been arguing over cats and dogs for ages but one thing is true— dog owners need to be a lot more hands-on with their pet than cat owners.

A lot of times, what first attracts you to someone is not what makes you stay with them. Maybe you two have great chemistry and enjoy going out together; however, the compassion and patience your partner shows when taking care of their pup is what makes you fall in love with them.

When it comes to dating dog lovers, it is critical that you pay attention to how they treat their pet. Do they buy the lowest quality of food, and ignore the subtle signs their dog is giving them, or do they invest in all natural supplements to ensure their pup’s health and wellness is always supported?

Luckily, US Antler offers high quality, all natural dog food supplements so you can make sure you and your partner’s pups are always feeling their best! Check out some of US Antler’s products today!

The Perks of Dating Guys with Dogs

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of having man’s best friend, but how about the pros that come with dating guys with dogs?

Typically by owning a pup, a man is:

  • More Responsible. Knowing that he can take care of Fido means that he won’t shy away from any of life’s other responsibilities as well.
  • Be More Active and Healthy. Owning a pooch means taking them on walks and games of fetch. Doing so helps keep both the pet and owner active and healthy.  Besides, these activities can make awesome dates too!  What can be more romantic than taking a long walk on a beach with a guy and his furry friend?
  • Overall Happier. Studies have shown that pooch owners suffer from depression less and tend to be happier overall.  Who doesn’t want to be with a cheerful partner?

Finding the right guy can be tough, especially when you want to be dating guys with dogs.  Make it easy and join You Must Love Dogs Dating.  There, you’ll meet singles just as passionate about canines as you are.  Why wait?  Sign up today!

Why Join a Niche Dating Site?

If you are going to try online dating, it only makes sense to sign up with one of the countless niche dating sites. While some people figure that they will have more luck by going with one of the bigger name sites, they often find that it just makes the whole process more difficult. After all, isn’t quality more important than quantity—especially when it comes to dating?

At You Must Love Dogs Dating we belong to the expansive network of niche dating sites and are the premier site to join if you want to find single dog lovers in your area. By joining a niche website, you are significantly reducing the time and energy you will waste on other sites, sifting through options that don’t even meet your requirements. Finding someone you are interested in dating online can be difficult as is, so don’t make it any harder on yourself than it needs to be!

To get started, sign up for an account with us today.

The Trick for Finding Single Dog Owners

Trying to find eligible bachelors or bachelorettes in your area can be difficult in and of itself, let alone finding someone who enjoys pets as much as you do. This is why niche dating sites are ideal for people who are interested in finding single dog owners in their area.

At You Must Love Dogs Dating, we know that your canine is one of, if not the most, important aspect of your life, and finding someone who not only doesn’t mind being around dogs, but owns one themselves, will make your romantic life that much easier and more enjoyable. It’s one thing to meet someone you would be interested in dating, but can be really discouraging to find out, after getting to know them for a while, that they don’t really enjoy being around animals or are allergic. While some people don’t think this should necessarily be a dating deal breaker—trying to date someone who is allergic to dog hair, when you have your dog’s shedding all over your clothes and apartment can be prove to be quite difficult!

So how do you go about finding single dog owners in your area? While you could always just go to the dog park and strike up conversations with other people there, this isn’t really an effective approach. The last thing you want to do is feel like you’re “using” your pup to pick up potential dates. Fortunately, our site makes finding single dog lovers around you fun, easy and, most importantly, successful! Sign up today at our premier dating site for dog lovers!

The Most Comprehensive Dating Site for Dog Lovers

Dating isn’t easy; and when you’ve gotten a four legged friend to worry about as well, finding someone new to fit into your life can be difficult. That is why we created the most comprehensive dating site for dog lovers at You Must Love Dogs Dating. On other online dating sites, they don’t put much stock into how much we care of our furry friends, but we know that they are often your first love. So, with that in mind, we created some special features on our dating site for dog lovers.

Instant Messaging. You don’t have time to sit around all day waiting for that special someone to answer your email. In a day and age where everything is instant, dating should be no different.

Video Profiles. Instead of trying to describe how awesome you and your pup are, just make a video that truly shows your personality!

Membership levels. Sometimes you just aren’t ready to fully commit to online dating, so we offer different levels of membership, so you can see who’s out there.

If you are ready for love, join us today at You Must Love Dogs Dating- the premier dating site for dog lovers!

Are You a Single Dog Lover?

If you are a single dog lover and want to establish a romantic connection with a shared interest in canines, you have a few options. Besides plastering “must love dogs” all over your dating profiles, there are other ways to meet other single dog lovers.

  • Puppy Parks. Not only will you meet other owners, but your pup gets to play with new friends! A win-win situation.
  • Niche Dating Sites. They say there’s a dating site for everything, and that includes furry friends. Check out You Must Love Dogs Dating, and see how we can connect you with fellow pup-addicts.
  • Pet Stores. While you’re shopping for Spot’s new bone, you might find someone else who’s canine-crazy to strike up a conversation with.

Putting yourself out there can be intimidating, but pet-centered spaces can help you ease into the scene. Start with a dating website; You Must Love Dogs Dating is a great place to begin, and we want to help you find your perfect match. Sign up today and find the right companion for you and your furry friend.

Relationship Requirement: Must Love Dogs

Your dating life is significant, and you could never imagine yourself with someone who doesn’t adore canines. You know what’s important to you, and it’s okay to have expectations when it comes to a relationship. Don’t hesitate to express your passion in your profile. You’ll find your ideal match much quicker by placing your priorities at center stage. You should never feel the need to compromise your values, likes, or interests just for the benefit of someone else. Your perfect match will cherish you and all of your interests, and that means they must love dogs.

Finding Your Perfect Match

Your pup is your family, and anyone you date is going to have to get along with them. Furry friends are what matter to you, though, and just getting along isn’t good enough; why compromise on something so important to you when instead, you could thrive on your shared fondness of pooches? With a niche dating website, you can guarantee that the things that matter most to you are the focus of your search. At You Must Love Dogs Dating, we connect people of all walks of life that agree: you must love dogs. Sign up today and meet other pup lovers who share your passion!

Looking for Dog Lovers in Orlando?

In such a large city like Orlando, it can be difficult to find single dog owners who you are compatible with. However, with the help of a dating site made specifically for dog owners, you will find plenty of single people in the Orlando area who share your passion for pooches.

At You Must Love Dogs Dating, our owner Kris Rotunda was tired of striking out, and meeting dates who just couldn’t handle sharing the spot light with his three dogs. Because he does not want anyone else to go through the pain of what he did, he created the premier dating site for dog lovers in Orlando, in order to help everyone find love.

If you are ready to find your human companion to join you and your pup in Orlando, sign up today for You Must Love Dogs Dating to see who you’ll be matched with.